
Delcia Orona interviewed by Amanda Monroe- Transcript

DescriptionDelcia Orona, a Colorado native, is currently in the first year of their second master's degree at the Geneva University of Art and Design. Prior to this degree, she received her first master's in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute. She moved to Geneva in 2020 after receiving their bachelor's from the University of California at Santa Barbara. While in Geneva, Delcia has been a queer activist, including being the former president of the Queer International Student Assembly. She continues to be actively involved within queer spaces within the university system and beyond. This interview looks at the intersection between queer activism and social life in analyzing the relationship between queerness and radical politics. It discusses the personal journey of the interviewee's self-discovery of queerness and its connections with narratives of a more liberal Europe. Broadly the interview assesses the relationship between space and identity, in particular within the Genevan context, at bars such as le Phare. A general comparison of Geneva to other major European cities is pivotal to the conversation, as is understanding inclusivity within queerness.